Sometimes you just need something a little extra for breakfast. Like this morning when my littlest decided that 4:15am was an appropriate wake-up time, and even though I valently tried to win her over she was having nothing off going back to sleep
By 4:45am I was up and in my workout gear and the two of us did 30 mins of upper body extreme. So by breakfast time I was starved and I knew my normal eggs and spinach just weren't going to cut it!
So it was up to my favourite gluten free wrap to come to the rescue!
1 Tbsp coconut flour
1/16 tsp baking powder (or a little pinch)
2 egg whites (3Tbsp if like me you by egg whites in a carton)
2 Tbsp water
Coconut oil for the pan
Mix all the ingredients (except the oil) together in a small bowl.
Heat oil in the pan, then pour batter into the center of the pan and rotate pan to thin out to a round.
Cook like you would a pancake, carefully flipping after about 3 mins.
NOTE: these can be a little crumbly so make sure it is fully cooked before flipping. I have had a lot of success using a pancake maker as well
Breakfast wrap