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My Shakeology Story

Often people ask me what are the benefits of drinking Shakeology. There are so many benefits, as you can see from the information below, but what I like to tell people is how Shakeology has helped me. So here is my story:


I have never been a fan of shakes or pills, for various reasons but the main two are that I don't believe in drinking your calories and second pills make me gag!
So when I did the 21 day fix for the first time I was sceptical about the shakeology, but what did I have to lose - there is a 30 day money back gaurantee.


The first time I tried it I wasn't sold on the taste, but it wasn't bad. The next time I added half a frozen banana and was sold! I was surprised after drinking it that I had no need to reach for the chocolate or kids candy (something I did most afternoons), I was also surprised with how much energy I had!

BUT, after a successful first round of the 21 df (tell me about 21df) I wasn't convinced that the energy and lack of cravings came from the shakeology or the fact I had cleaned up my diet, so to save money I headed into my second round with no shakeology. Well, even though I lost weight, that round was SO much harder, I caught myself reaching for candy again and I didn't have the same energy as before. In fact it was my husband who suggested that I (we) start the shakeology again - and well I have had it nearly everyday since and I have never felt better!


Shakeology is not the magic cure to health and weight loss. Nothing but hard work, a change in your mentality and dedication to your health and fitness will get you results. But it is a tool. A hardworking tool that gets your body working optimally and helps you get where you need to go just a bit faster. Is it worth it? You can bet your life on it.

So now when people ask, I suggest they try it out for themselves - because they have nothing to lose (except weight) and everythign to gain!  But if you are someone who likes to read before trying, keep reading below:




What Doctors are saying about Shakeology

What can Shakeology do for you?

It is an effective way to help you lose weight, increase your energy and be the healthiest you can possibly be. 


Shakeology can help you reduce cravings and promote healthy digestion and regularity.


Shakeology recomends that you replace one meal per day with a shake along with regular exercise and a balanced diet, participants who did this experienced remarkable health improvements. 


It can reduce your total cholesterol, reduce LDL cholesterol, reduce cardiovascular risk, and reduce oxidative damage caused by free radicals.

Shakeology’s proprietary blend of digestive enzymes, prebiotics, and probiotics helps your body eliminate toxins that have built up in your digestive system over the years due to eating highly processed foods, fast food, and junk food. A healthy digestive system makes it easier to absorb the nutrients you need for optimal health.


While your body is cleansing itself from the inside out, Shakeology’s 100% whole-food ingredients deliver the essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals your body needs to help curb its cravings.


Your body will begin to shed stored fat while Shakeology’s superfoods (that are chock-full of antioxidants and phytonutrients) work their magic, helping reduce “free radical” damage that could potentially lead to heart disease, heart attacks, high blood pressure, and strokes.




  • Curb cravings for sugar and junk food

  • Promote weight loss

  • Increase energy levels

  • Improve digestion and regularity

  • Support your immune system

  • Support cardiovascular health


Shakeology is packed with more than 70 of the world’s most potent, most nutritious, and most delicious ingredients. Not only does it provide a wide range of essential nutrients from the fruits and vegetables you should be eating every day, you’ll also reap the benefits of incredibly nutritious food you’d otherwise never have the opportunity to eat. Food that nutrition science has shown to be highly advantageous to your health.


Everything in Shakeology has been carefully selected for its unique nutritional quality, including ingredients that herbalists and natural wellness doctors have been using for centuries to holistically heal and fuel the body.


So What’s in Shakeology?

Protein and Essential Amino Acids to help build muscle and reduce food cravings*

• Help build and repair muscles
• Reduce hunger and food cravings
• Promote healthy skin, hair, and nails
• Chocolate, Vanilla and Greenberry Shakeology include whey protein isolate, an easily absorbable source of high-quality protein that’s ideal for building and maintaining lean muscle mass. Tropical Strawberry and Vegan Chocolate include high-quality plant proteins from brown rice, pea and other sources. Essential amino acids, found in these proteins, help the body repair muscle tissue and heal wounds; and reduce hunger pangs.

The protein in all Shakeology products provides a highly bioavailable source of essential amino acids.


Prebiotics, Probiotics and Digestive Enzymes, which aid in improving digestion, regularity, and nutrient absorption*

• Aids digestion
• Support a healthy intestinal tract
• Increase absorption of nutrients
• Shakeology contains many ingredients that are beneficial to the digestive system.
• Prebiotics, natural components of certain plants, help support the “friendly” bacteria in your digestive tract.
• Probiotics are strains of live good bacteria that help with the digestive process. They assist the body in absorbing
nutrients and minerals, bring an overall balance to the digestive tract, and help support the immune system.
• Digestive enzymes, from sources such as pineapples and papayas, help your body break down food into its individual
components, making the nutrients easier to absorb.



• Help promote a strong immune system
• Help increase energy
• Help protect the body from stress
• Help balance endocrine hormones and the immune system
• Adaptogens are special herbs that grow in harsh climates and conditions, at high elevations, atop mountains where the soil is rocky and oxygen in the air is thin. Because these plants have to adapt to harsh conditions, they have highly
concentrated nutrients that can help your body cope with stress, provide energy, and maintain a strong immune system. Shakeology has a total of 9 adaptogens. Which is more than any other shake out there.


Antioxidants and phytonutrients (plant-sourced ingredients) may help maintain health*

• Help neutralize harmful free radicals
• Help decrease inflammation
• Help maintain the immune system
• Potentially decrease the risk of degenerative diseases
• Many of Shakeology’s fruit and vegetable sources have been chosen for their high concentration of healthy natural substances known as phytonutrients, including flavonoids, polyphenols, anthocyanins, and catechins. These substances have antioxidant properties, meaning they help neutralize molecules known as free radicals, which damage cells and may contribute to the aging process. In laboratory tests, phytonutrients have shown promise in helping prevent a wide variety of degenerative conditions.


23 Vitamins and Minerals your body needs to function for optimal health*

• Get a wide range of essential nutrients
• Get your necessary vitamins every day
• Make up for dietary deficiencies
• Most of us don’t get the complete range of essential vitamins and minerals in our daily diets. Some important vitamins, such as vitamin C and the B vitamins, are water-soluble, meaning they’re flushed out of your body after a short time and need to be replenished regularly. Others, like vitamin E, can be difficult to get enough of in food. Shakeology Chocolate and Greenberry provide all these nutrients in an easy-to-take form, so you never have to worry.



More reasons to drink Shakeology everyday!

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