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Plantain Sandwich Roll

So I have never known what to do with a plantain - it is kind off a banana but not .... But I came across this recipe on "deliciousobsessions" blog I just knew I had to try it!

They were so easy to make and everyone enjoyed them - definately a recipe to keep :)


  • 2 yellow Plantains (try to make sure they are more yellow than green or brown - mine were just about too brown)

  • 1 tsp sea salt

  • 1 C tapioca flour


Pre-heat the oven to 375F

Puree the platains in the blender - make them nice and smooth

Combine the plantains with the flour and salt until a dough forms (it will be quite sticky)

Put 2-3 Tbsp on a tray lined with parchment paper (or use a silcon baking sheet)

Flatten with the back of your spoon till they are about 3 inch rounds no more than 1/4 inch thick

Bake for 20-25 mins (until the edges are golden brown)


This made 8 rounds

21 day fix

1 round would be a yellow

2 rounds would be a yellow and a purple


Plantains - who knew they would make great bread!

Sandwich rounds - they were amazing, slightly chewy texture but didn't taste overly like banana

We used ours topped with an egg and bacon for a Sunday brunch!

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